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FUTUREN informs bondholders of the early redemption of their convertible bonds   (26/07/2019 07:00)

FUTUREN informs its bondholders that, to the extent that the total number of outstanding convertible bonds to date is less than 10% of the total number of convertible bonds initially issued, FUTUREN will proceed on August 28, 2019 to the early redemption of all outstanding convertible bonds in accordance with the terms of the convertible bonds' modified issuance contract (1).

The early redemption price of the convertible bonds will be 5.686 euros per convertible bond, plus the interest accrued for the period running from July 1st, 2019 to the effective redemption date.

Bondholders may, at any time up to the 10th business day (inclusive) preceding the early redemption date, ie until August 13, 2019, exercise their right to the allotment of new and/or existing FUTUREN shares at 2.236 FUTUREN shares per convertible bond, in accordance with the terms of the convertible bonds' modified issuance contract (2).

Requests of exercise of the share allotment right must be sent by the bondholders to the financial intermediary with which their convertible bonds are registered in an account, which will in turn transmit them to Societe Generale Securities Services, in charge of the financial service for FUTUREN convertible bonds.

Bonds not presented for conversion prior to August 13, 2019 will be repaid according to the aforementioned conditions.

  1. Section 4.9.4 of the convertible bonds' issuance contract annexed to the prospectus relating to the issuance and listing of shares with stock warrants attached which received visa n°14-591 by the AMF on November 7, 2014.
  2. Section 4.16.3 of the aforementioned convertible bonds' issuance contract.


FUTUREN is a group active in the field of wind energy, present throughout the entire wind value chain. The Group develops, builds and owns wind farms in four countries: France, Germany, Morocco and Italy. In total, the Group manages 668 MW for its own account and for third parties.


Elodie Fiorini
Group Chief Financial Officer
Tél : +33 (0)4 42 906 596

French Société anonyme (public limited company with Board of Directors) with a share capital of €27,789,978.70 

Registered office: Cœur Défense – 100, esplanade du Général de Gaulle – 92932 Paris La Défense - France

Administrative address: Europarc de Pichaury - Bât. B9 - 1330, avenue JRGG de la Lauzière - BP 80199 - 13795 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3 - France

Tel: +33 (0)4 42 904 904 – Fax: +33 (0)4 42 904 905 -

The stock is listed on the compartment B of Euronext Paris, symbol: FTRN.

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